Selena於美國當地時間8月11日(星期二)晚間與朋友們一同慶祝Courtney Barry的生日。
@selenagomez: I'm so happy @courtneyjbarry was born. That's all. ☺️
Courtney Barry也在社群網站上分享當晚的照片與感謝:
@courtneyjbarry: On my birthday, here's a summary of how I feel- I am so happy and I cannot believe I get to live the life I do with people like this. I don't deserve any of it and I'm so grateful. Thanks for tonight 💛
@brookefraser: Happy birthday my lil smoochy pants @courtneyjbarry you're a 🎁 to us all #howtoworkaniphonetimer
@raquellestevens: 🎂
@raquellestevens: Kisses for the birthday girl 😘 we love you @courtneyjbarry
@caro_franklin: Beautiful night with some beautiful girls. #alliwantformybirthdayyyy